Update on imports from Russian Federation and Belarus into EU – English below
V reakci na zapojení Běloruska do vojenské invaze ruských vojsk na Ukrajinu Rada EU rozhodla o rozšíření sankčních opatření.
Dnem 3. 3. 2022 vstoupilo v platnost Nařízení Rady EU 2022/355 ze dne 2. 3. 2022, kterým se mění nařízení (ES) č. 765/2006 o omezujících opatřeních vzhledem k situaci v Bělorusku.
Informace k opatřením naleznete zde.
Současně upozorňujeme, že organizace PEFC a FSC pozastavují certifikaci v Rusku a Bělorusku.
Zdroj: pefc.org, fsc.org
Update on imports from Russian Federation and Belarus into EU
Summary: concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus and the involvement of Belarus in the Russian aggression against Ukraine, it is prohibited to import, directly or indirectly, wood products HS code 44 to the EU if they originate in Belarus or have been exported from Belarus; also to purchase and transport timber located in Belarus or exported from Belarus.
From the perspective of EUTR, all the timber HS code 44 from Belarus is now considered ILLEGAL.
All other timber products under EUTR from Russian federation or Belarus is considered CONFLICT TIMBER and is considered unsuitable to be provided with RISK MITIGATION under the DUE DILIGENCE, thus it shall be PROHIBITED FROM PLACING ON THE EU MARKET.
FSC and PEFC certifications are now suspended in Russia and Belarus.