EU Timber Regulation

EU Regulation No. 995/2010 on the placing timber and timber products on the market, valid throughout the European Union since March 2013.

The aim of this regulation is to prevent illegally harvested timber on the EU markets. Anyone who place timber and timber products on the EU market, the regulation as a major obligation to have a regularly update so called the due diligence system.

More information is available at:

Int the Czech Republic the FMI is an authorized person in accordance with Aricle 10 of the Act No. 226/2013 Coll. on placing timber and timber products on the market that the Czech legal order of the EU Timber Regulation transferred.

In addition to establishing the due diligence system, the owner of the forest in the Czech Republic deposited with information on the results of its operations pursuant to Decree No. 285/2013 Coll. (under Article 40 of the Forest Act No. 289/1995 Coll.) in the Central Register of the due diligence sytem (CESNaP) administrated by the FMI. The owner delivers forest management data records (LHE) in terms of the Act No. 289/1995 Coll. to authority of the state forest administration at the municipality with extended competence (ORP).

The FMI provides for forest owners and managers support in the form of patterns of processing and due diligence manuals and forms for submission of financial results to CESNaP, downloads are in Czech language here.


FMI contact for EUTR:

FMI contact for FLEGT: