The FMI provides counselling based on non-commercial basis in accordance with the Foundation Deed and the Concept of the Counselling System of the Ministry of Agriculture:
• for forest owners and their associations,
• for farming entities in the forests, professional forest managers, professional forestry organizations and the general forestry public,
• for forest state administration authorities,
• and for accredited counselors (methodological and information support)
particularly in the areas of:
• financial support for forestry,
• legal requirements for forest management,
• and the activities specified in the FMI Foundation Deed.
We provide counselling:
• by issuing publications,
• via these websites,
• by organizing training and information events, by holding lectures at events organized by our founder or partners,
• by direct, time-limited individual counselling,
• by providing of special counselling (within the specializations defined by the FMI Foundation Deed).
The FMI does not develop commercial activities, such as creating projects for applicants requesting financial support from the European Union funds.
FMI contact for forest management counselling: Mr. Martin Polivka,
Printed and electronic advisory publications for forest owners, professional forest managers, state forest management, in Czech language:
Guide to finacial support possibilities for forest managment in the period 2007–2013
Advisor to the forest owner upto 50 ha area I.
Basic rules of forest ownership, rights and obligations of visitors and users of your forest, your main helpers, forest management, the establishment of vegetation on agricultural land, the possibility of drawing contributions and grants.
Advisor to the forest owner upto 50 ha area II.
Hunting and nature and landscape protection in relation to the owner of the forest, using information from the Regional Plans of Forest Development.
Advisor to the forest owner upto 50 ha area III.
Standard of planting material for forest tree species,the Act No. 149/2003 Sb., on the marketing of forest reproductive material.
Advisor to the forest owner upto 50 ha area IV.
Forest habitats and stability, reforestation, thinning, forest damage,forest management, the owner and his professional forest manager, evaluation of wood seasons in the woods.
Financial contributions to forest management provided by each county for the year
Methodological recommendations for applying for funding from the Rural Development Programme for 2007–2013
Methodology – informational materials for private consultant in forestry and forest owners:
European standards affecting forest management
• The protection of wild birds and the protection of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora – NATURA 2000
• The protection of waters against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances and nitrates
• Marketing on forest reproductive material
Measures to strengthen the economic viability of forest estates
• Forest management on the principles of sustainability and balance
• Certification systems in forest managment
• The association of forest owners
• The use of environmentally friendly technologies in forest management
• Incorporating non wood forest functions in the management of the forest property and any improvements
• Growing and the use of biomass and forest plants for further processing
Other methodological materials
• Support for forest managment in the environment field