Forest Typology

Forest typology as a basic discipline of forest management deals with the classification of permanent ecological conditions. It divides forests into segments with similar growth conditions, evaluates these conditions and draws conclusions for appropriate forest management.

The evaluation of permanent character environment (light, temperature, water regime and soil chemistry) and the reconstruction of the natural composition of plant communities is performed in the forest-typological mapping.

The main output of forest typology is forest-typological map (the map of forest types). From the forest-typological maps can be then derived other map works, e.g. the map of vegetation zones, the map of soil types, etc.

Forest-typological investigation is part of the field surveys for Regional Plans of Forest Development.

The FMI executes within the forest typology:

  • Forest-typological classification of non-forest land designated for afforestation in accordance with the Government Regulation No. 239/2007 Coll., on establishing the conditions for granting subsidies for afforestation of agricultural land, the FMI executes based on the owner request for the afforesation land inclusion into forest typology units – forest types.
  • Therefining of forest-typological mapping In case of doubt in the correctness of forest-typological maps it is possible to ask for next refining of forest-typological mapping – i.e. the more accurate plot of forest types in the field.


Publications on forest typology (download)