
Maps and Data

Based on the Foundation Deed, FMI maintains a central database and archives with data on forests, forestry and game management in the Czech Republic, thus operating a huge database.

Parts of the data are publicly accessible in the map and data catalogue in this section. At the same time, the catalogues contain information serving needs of the state forest and game management administration, which are not public.

Catalogue of Map Information

The FMI Map Portal is a platform that serves the general public as a user-friendly tool for easy and quick access to selected graphical forest information. It offers a wide range of map outputs that provide selected information to the professional and general public in a user-friendly web browser interface. The basic component of the […]

Catalogue of Data Presentations

FMI maintains a central database and archives on forests, forestry and game management in the Czech Republic, thus operating a huge amount of data. A part of the maintained data is available to public in separate applications or registries. These outputs are included in the below catalogue of data information. In case you are looking […]

Web map service

Web map service (WMS) is a standardized service by means of which spatial data can be shared on the Internet in the form of raster outputs. The service is operated on the principle of two machines (client – server) on the network. It is characterized in the WSDL machine-processable format. Other machines communicate with the […]

Data provision

The FMI Information Centre receives, modifies, issues data and keeps their archives in accordance with the subject of activity determined by the founder. For the data provision, rules and procedures set up by the law or founder must be followed.