Foundation Deed

Foundation Deed

The Forest Management Institute with its headquarters in Brandýs nad Labem – Stará Boleslav, Nábřežní 1326
(Company identification number: 00020681)

  1. The implementation of forest inventory in the country.
  1. The surveying and administration of Regional Plans of Forest Development, including the execution of uniform forest typologic system in the Czech Republic.
  1. Providing information on forests and hunting to the Ministry of the Interior for regional authorities and municipal authorities of municipalities with extended competence.
  1. The delimitation of forests under the emission influence.
  1. The preparation of analyzes, methodologies, concepts and forecasts.
  1. Processing departmental statistical statement sectors of forestry and hunting, including consulting and training activities.
  1. The assurance of the function of information and data centre in the sector of forestry, game management and fisheries, the collaboration in developing a forestry information standard, the building of a uniform geographical information system.
  1. The assurance of advisory and services for the implementation of forest certification in the Czech Republic.
  1. The assurance of scientific and technical development and training in the field of forest management, including participation in domestic projects and grants.
  1. Consultancy, methodological and educational activities.
  1. Participation in international activities and involvement in international projects.
  1. Preparation of documents for the periodic report on the state of forests.
  1. The keeping of an active directory of workers in the state forest, game management and fisheries administration for needs of bodies of the state administration of forests, game management and fisheries.
  1. The keeping of records on the seals of caught game.
  1. The preparation of expert opinions pursuant to Act no. 36/1967 Sb., on experts and interpreters, as amended, within the scope of the expert authorization in the field of economy with the scope of expert opinion in the valuation of estates, permanent growths and damages to forest stands, operation and economics of forest production, and in the field of forestry with the scope of expert opinion in forest management planning for state authorities and state enterprises that have the right to manage the state forests.
  1. The implementation of reprographic, cartographic, photogrammetric and bookbinding work.
  1. Carrying out other tasks assigned by the founder including subtasks of research character.
  1. The creation and management of the web portal Game Management Client that will primarily contain game management statistics and a register of hunting grounds.
  1. The performance of supervision, professional activities, inclusion, changes, or cancellation of the inclusion of genetic resource in the National programme of conservation and reproduction of the genepool of forest tree species, imposition to submit samples of endangered genetic resource, imposition of special measures to protect genetic resources or documentation on genetic resources against destruction, damage or theft, inspection in the field of conservation and reproduction of the genepool of forest tree species and implementation of professional activities and control in the field of reproductive material pursuant to Act no. 149/2003 Sb., on putting into circulation the reproductive material of particularly important forest tree species and man-made hybrids, intended for the forest regeneration and forestation, amending some related laws (law on trade in the reproductive material of forest tree species), as amended, upon the authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture.
  1. The keeping of central records pursuant to § 2d subsection 4, § 2g subsection 2, § 2i subsection 2, § 6 subsection 6, § 18 and § 24 subsection 3 of Act no. 149/2003 Sb., on putting into circulation the reproductive material of particularly important forest tree species and man-made hybrids, intended for the forest regeneration and forestation, amending some related laws (law on trade in the reproductive material of forest tree species), as amended.
  1. The collaboration with the State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SAIF) during the performance of control activities in the sense of the provision of § 12a of Act no. 256/2000 Sb., on the State Agricultural Intervention Fund and on the amendment of some related laws (law on the State Agricultural Intervention Fund), as amended, during controls of the correct use of financial means provided within subsidies according to the directly applicable EU regulation on supporting rural development from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in the field of forestry.
  1. The preparation of expert assessment as a basis for the audit function of the founder in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 77/1997 Coll ., a state enterprise, as amended, including the preparation of expert assessment of state-owned enterprises, that have the right to manage the forests in state ownership.
  1. The implementation of continous monitoring of the state and development of forest ecosystems.
  1. The implementation of professional activities listed in § 10 of Act no. 226/2013 Sb., on placing wood and wood products on the market, upon the authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture.
  1. The implementation of public controls of subsidies provided to forestry by the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with Act no. 320/2001 Sb., on the financial control in public administration and on the amendment of some related laws (law on the financial control), as amended, according to the methodology of controls authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and in the scope of credentials to the control issued by the Ministry of Agriculture according to § 4 of control regulations.
  1. The maintenance, updating and complementation of the network of demonstration objects in forestry, and the administration of information layer and web portal with information about the network.
  1. The assurance and implementation of activities connected with Forest pedagogy.
  1. The implementation of professional activities related to the fulfillment of the Council Regulation (EC) no. 2173/2005 on the establishment of a FLEGT licensing scheme for imports of timber into the European Community.
  1. The assurance of administration, development and distribution of control software intended for the control of the compliance of data in forest management plans and simplified forest management plans with the Forestry Information Standard and list of mandatory items of the Forestry Information Standard published by the Ministry of Agriculture. The implementation of controls of the compliance of the transmitted interchange format of data of plans and simplified plans with the Forestry Information Standard and list of mandatory items of the Forestry Information Standard in relation to the provision of allowance pursuant to Section VII. Part II. of Government Regulation no. 30/2014 Sb., on the establishment of binding regulations for the provision of financial allowances for the forest management and some hunting activities, as amended.
  1. The collaboration in the administration of applications for the provision of subsidies for the conservation and reproduction of forest tree species genepool pursuant to § 2j of law on the trade in the reproductive material of forest tree species and applications for the provision of financial means in the field of accredited consulting activities in forestry pursuant to § 46 subsection 2 letter f) of the Forest Law.
  1. The collection and processing of personal data necessary for the fulfillment of tasks assigned by the founder and following out from the subject of activity or from generally mandatory legal regulations (e.g. Act no. 149/2003 Sb., on putting into circulation the reproductive material of particularly important forest tree species and man-made hybrids, intended for the forest regeneration and forestation, amending some related laws (law on trade in the reproductive material of forest tree species, as amended, Act no. 226/2013 Sb., on placing wood and wood products on the market, as amended).
  1. Following the provisions of § 3 subsection 1 of Decree no. 202/2021 Sb., on forest management records, it gathers aggregate data on the management of forests in the whole territory of the Czech Republic. It manages and evaluates the aggregate data by means of the Information system of forest management records, develops an information standard for keeping and transmitting the recorded data, and provides collaboration to bodies of the state forest administration in the fulfillment of obligations pursuant to § 48 subsection 2 letter h) of the Forest Law.​